Minutes of NCPM AGM April 2022


Minutes of the meeting held 26th April 2022 at Alvingham Village Hall 

Meeting commenced at 7.00 pm 

Attendees – Adrian Orpwood (Acting Chairman) Irene Lonsdale, Su Tetlow, Fiona Barnes, Louise Parker, Andrew Parker, Phil Tetlow, Peter Statham, Nikitta Statham, Annette McCracken, Berry McCracken, John Walker, Janet Orpwood, Jacqui Walker, Jean Cheek, Nick Short 

Apologies – Derek Young, Sue Young, Mary Smith 

Chairman welcomed the meeting. 

Election of Chairperson 

Derek Young agreed to continue for the following year. Proposed by John Walker and seconded by Berry McCracken. There were no other nominations. 

Election of Treasurer 

Adrian Orpwood agreed to continue for the following year. Proposed by Irene Lonsdale, seconded by John Walker. There were no other nominations. 

Minutes of the meeting held on 31st August 2021 were approved by the meeting. 


Planning proposal. Construction of residential property on Louth Road North Cockerington submitted by Mr and Mrs Parker. 

Mr and Mrs Parker attended the meeting to explain their application in more detail. Mr Parker is the son of a local farmer and was in Alvingham and attended the village school. Although not currently resident in the village they wish to build a family home on land which they own on Louth Road near Rushmoor. The plans are for a “barn” style home in keeping with the rural environment. 

The meeting agreed to back the application. 

Business remaining from the previous meeting. 

a) Allotment security:  A secure gate has been sited at the Meadow Lane end, 

The possibility of erecting posts at each end of Church Walk (beyond the residential properties) to prevent vehicular access to be looked into. 

b) Map of village 

A map of the village showing location of properties to aid delivery persons was placed in the new notice board on Meadow Lane but has since been removed by unknown. It is rumoured that some residents objected. As no-one at the meeting had any objections it was decided to put another map in. 

Please Note:  Map removed by Derek Young for updating – apologies for not making that fact clear.  I will replace an updated version as soon as possible. (Derek Young)

c) Derek Young has strimmed around the phone box/library. 

d) Bridleways and footpaths:  A map of local bridleways has been put onto the website to inform local riders of routes where horse riding is allowed and to discourage the occasional use of the narrow public footpaths.  

Treasurers Report: Treasurer Adrian Orpwood reported current balance at £839.40. 

The change to HSBC in order to save on bank charges is short lived. HSBC has decided to charge £5 per month. Treasurer will try to negotiate on this charge or look into changing accounts again. 

  • The meeting agreed to continue paying £50 towards maintenance of the church yard at St Adelwolds.  
  • The meeting has agreed to cease payment to Mr Jackson as after many years service he is no longer able to cut the grass outside the school and Church Walk.  However may reinstate a payment to whomever has taken over the grass cutting, when we know who is doing it! 
  • The meeting also agreed to pay £25 to Nick Short for cutting the footpath and hedges at the allotments. 
  • Precept for the year will be £350 
  • Allotment fees will remain at £6 per year and £3 for a half allotment. 


a) Mr and Mrs Statham moved into the village in July 2021 with their children and have been unable to get the children into the village school despite going through the appeal process. This necessitates Mrs Statham in 2 hours per day travelling. Apparently there are more children at the school from outside than there are village children. They asked if the Parish Meeting could assist in any way. It was agreed that a letter be sent to the Education authorities in support and also contact will be made to Mr David Manders – former Parish chairman and school governor for advice.

b) Peter Statham volunteered to become deputy chairman for the Parish Meeting 

c) A question was raised about the possibility of planting a tree to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee but as the parish owns no land apart from the allotments there were no suggestions as to a possible site. 

The meeting closed at 7.40 pm