2019 NCPM Agenda



Wednesday 24 April 2019

Venue: Church of England School, School Lane.

All electors of North Cockerington Parish are entitled to attend and vote on any issues that are raised.


  1. Introduction & Welcome;
  2. Apologies;
  3. Election of Chairperson and officers;
  4. Approval of Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 26 April 2018;
  5. Matters Arising;
  • Community litter picking day
  • Village signboard
  • Remuneration for maintenance of paths and hedges;
  1. Finance Report;
  2. General Data Protection Act (GDPR) 2018
  3. Allotments:
    1. fees,
    2. maintenance,
    3. viability of providing a water supply;
  4. Invitation for electors present to raise any matters of interest.