2020 NCPM Minutes 31 December 2020

Minutes of Virtual Parish meeting

31 December 2020 7pm


Adrian Orpwood, Janet Orpwood, Colin Laking, Irene Lonsdale, Annette McCracken, Berry McCracken, John Walker, Jacquie Walker, Sue Young, Derek Young.

Apologies: A. F. Fox

The meeting began after some technical problems with video linking for John and Jacquie Walker. Derek thanked and welcomed all who had managed to link in to the meeting at such short notice, and explained that due to the time limit imposed by the version of Zoom being used the meeting would need to close at or near 7;30pm. With that in mind the 2019 minutes were read and approved and it was agreed that any matters arising should be held over until the next, less time-limited meeting early in 2021.

Election of Chair and Treasurer:

After offering to continue in post Derek and Adrian were elected to continue. A more formal process will be taken at the next meeting.

Finance report:

Adrian presented a brief outline of the parish finances and summarised the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR).  He also and explained that due to the closure of our business account with the Nottingham Building Society, and the consequent delay in HSBC finalising the opening of an account it has not been possible to either issue cheques, pay donations, or access the East Lindsey Councillor grant for allotment water harvesting. Adrian explained that he had paid the parish insurance from his personal account and will reclaim the amount when the parish account is finally open.  The meeting approved the Financial Report as submitted

Allotment Fees:

Agreed that fees should remain at £6 per year.

North Cockerington Website:

Derek explained that he is finalising the development of a new website for the parish with help and guidance from a Lincolnshire County Council team. As soon as the website goes live he will inform the parish; in the meantime he asked that if anyone has items of interest to put into the website, they should contact him with details.

Any Other Business:

Irene offered a quantity of redundant downpipes and guttering for allotment holders to use for the eventual water harvesting systems.

The meeting closed at 7:38pm